Stocks & Securities
Changes announced in the 2006 Federal Budget make it much more attractive to donate gifts of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, bills, futures and other publicly-traded securities to the Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation.
Effective immediately, the Federal Government has eliminated capital gains taxes on all gifts of publicly-traded securities to public charities, including the TMH Foundation. Note that the donation must be an “in kind” transfer of the security itself, not the cash proceeds from the sale of the security. Such a transfer is easily made electronically from your investment account to the TMH Foundation brokerage account.
The TMH Foundation will issue a tax receipt for the market value of the gift on the day we receive your security donation in the TMH Foundation brokerage account. Also effective immediately, owners of employee stock options may gift public charities of the proceeds of an exercise without incurring capital gains. Again, the TMH Foundation will issue a tax receipt for the market value of the gift on the day we receive the gift.
The federal capital gains tax has been eliminated on any publicly-traded equities (i.e. stocks, bonds, mutual funds, bills, futures and warrants) that are donated “in kind”. It has been eliminated effective May 2, 2006. You increase your current after-tax cash flow. If you have appreciated stock and charitable intent, you may wish to use this new incentive to receive the satisfaction of contributing a significant gift which will benefit over four million Canadians living with arthritis.